Beauty + Wellness Guru + Boss Babe of Moon Juice: Amanda Chantal Bacon | The Salty Vogue

Beauty + Wellness Guru + Boss Babe of Moon Juice: Amanda Chantal Bacon

Hey friends & happy August!

This sweet sweet summer was so good to me. 

BUT, I’m ready to get my food & booze situation back on track. 

AKA a summer themed of maybe a teeny weeny to many lady wine nights.   

& what better timing than to have the boss babe behind the hottest L.A. based juice shop and cookbook, Moon Juice?!

I’m a die hard MOON JUICE fan. 

So is F-ing GOOP. That lady gwyneth knows her shit. 

I may not have a stranger danger pepper spray but my purse DOES has four & fun little on the go MJ packets!! Necessities. 

If I was stranded on an island- yup you guessed it- I would have my on the go MJ packets with me. Yup, just kinda sorta obsessed. 

I love love love feeding my body with goodness and that's exactly what Moon Juice specializes in. 

I wanted to pick her brain and here’s what she had to say. Charge your technology, pop a squat, and maybe grab a snack because it gets DEEP. 

Please give a warm virtual welcome to Amanda!

Let’s get the party started:

how did Moon Juice begin?

In 2006, I began studying the power of raw, medicinal foods to heal the hypothyroid condition I had had since I was a teen, in addition to my severe allergies to wheat, sugar, and cow dairy. Although I was still working as a chef in fine dining, at this juncture my whole diet changed. I ate primarily vegetables and legumes from the farmer’s market, and foods that would serve as hormonal adaptogens. Within a few months, I noticed a radical shift. My next round of blood work revealed that my thyroid hormone levels were back to normal.

Working in fine dining was amazing, but my own transformative experience – backed up by extensive blood tests, the scrutiny of several physicians, renewed feelings of vitality, and a shift in my personality, immunity, appearance, and thought – inspired me to create Moon Juice. These live, medicinal foods changed me from the inside out. I created Moon Juice for people interested in a new way of living. Not a way where you have to erase your past, but a way fueled by excitement to help yourself live better. Our only intention is to add goodness and beauty to your life.

what inspired you to dip into the wellness world?

The inspiration was to provide the absolute best quality health products available in a setting that is aesthetically pleasing. On a personal level, being a part of a movement that is changing the way food is produced and consumed. I wanted to go to work every day and be excited to put the best stuff in my body and that of my child’s. 

any challenges along the way?

I have the same excited energy that I did 6 years ago, I’m still in launch mode. Moon Juice still feels like an all-consuming, passionate love affair that hasn’t cooled off in more than half a decade! The challenges arise when I let fear creep into my head and start questioning time and numbers.

most life changing moment?

My son crawling out of me and looking me straight in the eye.

biggest life opportunity?

I got asked to join the Olympic gymnastic pre-team when I was little... life had another plan for me though!

what is wellness to you?

Feeling deeply comfortable and connected to source.

what makes you happy?

Being alone but also making out with my love.

do you have a mantra?

Yes, it’s for Lakshmi, I repeat it 9 times a day. 

do you have any mentors?

I’ve been blessed with many in several different fields, but right now I'm really appreciating the mentorship from Greg Renkar and Michelle Taylor, who have become investors and board members... when it comes to scaling a business they’ve seen it all.

what inspires you?

Always nature.

your daily morning routine:

2 Quinton Hypertonics, and a warm protein, power dust, maca smoothie

your daily night routine:

I’m making a huge effort to clock 7+ hours a night. This includes setting an alarm to tell me to start tune out, having a cup of dream dust, spraying magnesium oil in my body and laying on my biomat.

your guilty pleasures?

I can’t say I feel guilty about them but I don’t like to wear sunscreen (I don’t let myself burn), my son and I eat dark chocolate for breakfast some mornings, and I curse daily, these things bring me a lot of pleasure!

signature scent?

Sandalwood and Rose

favorite restaurants:

Marlowe & Sons - Brooklyn, NY

Souen - NYC


Chez Panisse

favorite health food store:

Rainbow co op in sf. 

one thing you do everyday?

Say goodnight to the sky. 

your best beauty tip?

Love and respect your vehicle in this life.

quick- what’s in your beauty cabinet?

I have odacite Clare de lune face oil on me at all times, juice beauty mascara for extreme circumstances and I do a... I have a serving of beauty dust in warm water everyday., It’s a blend of powdered tonic herbs based on an ancient empiric formula that increases collagen and silica production, tones and firms tissue, and fortifies skin, hair, nails and cell membranes from the inside out.

what are your fav beauty treatments?

Daily dose of beauty dust in hot water, acupuncture, clay face masks and b12 shots

fav exfoliator?

Drunk elephant. 

your travel go to?

I always take my gnarly Ayurvedic mud toothpaste, dead sea mineral soap bar, Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. and my protein. I do travel light, because I find that wherever I go I love finding local treasures, so I like to leave enough room for them. My philosophy is to pack light and come back bursting at the seams!

current must haves?

Fertility app, power dust, and teflon free non-stick pan.

your best pantry staples?

fermented veggies, Nori wraps, ghee, micro greens, coconut flour, Himalayan pink salt, apple cider vinegar, maca, cacao, cordyceps, avocados, frozen strawberries, organic stevia.

your go to MJ recipe?!

My favorite and possibly easiest recipe is the coconut yoghurt. It’s tangy, creamy and divine. It’s a probiotic, nourishes the thyroid and gut, and is great for sustained energy and glowy skin. My favorite moon dust must be the sex dust! I use it as a buzzy feel good energy

formula in place of coffee… and sometimes even in a coffee!

how do you detox after a fun weekend full of fesitivies?

High plant protein and good fat foods, fermented foods, green foods. I drastically cut out sugars, grains and caffeine.

do you like to workout?

After dissing out all the fancy methods my preference truly is walking, it's a luxury I'm trying to make daily space for this year, a brisk 30 minute walk a day.

your workout jams?

I’ve done some cool power moves to the Rolling Stones.

supplements you swear by:

I supplement my potion making and taking with daily

Vitamin d


L Theanine 


Krill oil

And pregnenolon

what’s your on the go boss babe snack?

Raw, activated, stone ground nut or seed butter, I will literally drink it out of the jar when hungry and on the go. and/or Warm Protein shake loaded with adaptogens and maybe an avocado too.

how do you unwind & destress?

Acupuncture, adaptogens, meditation, sleep and vitamin shots.

what are your fav foods?

ice cream, Cultured veggies, Stone ground nut butters, and sea weed

are there any ingredients you avoid?


what can’t you live without?

Sunglasses (my blue eyes burn easily), rohan my son and alone time

how do you stay healthy and be boss babe at the same time?

I meditate daily, which usually means I’ll pull over and take 20 in my parked car and I always spend 3-5 minutes deeply nourishing myself with by making an adaptogenic smoothie. This is only 25 minutes a day, but it’s life changing and sustaining!

your fav healthy getaway vacation?

India, always! India is my yearly adventure without Rohan. It feeds me personally and professionally, reminding me why I do it all. I find that there a sweetness between my son and I when I return, like he actually appreciates me more, that lasts about a week ;)

do you meditate?

I meditate daily, I make adaptogenic tonics multiple times a day and I really like kissing, hugging and loving.

spill your best easy mindful tips?

It’s all about the stolen moments and being able to drop into deep rejuvenation in the midsts of chaos- on a plane, in a car ride between meetings, after kids are asleep, don’t be to precious.

advice for aspiring gal entrepreneurs?

If your heart feels completely convicted and unstoppable, then you will be! Take care of your physical body, destress yourself daily with meditation, and don’t stop- just don’t ever stop swimming towards your vision. When fatigue or doubt arises, motive yourself with gratitude for being given the inspiration in the first place.

why did you create the MJ cookbook? 

You have perfect health, beauty, and bliss alive in you and there are very simple and practical kitchen moves that can unlock your own healing force. So much can be done with education and the will to try something new. You will find yourself living a new life experience if that’s what you desire.

ok, so wtf is re-wilding?

Culturing the gut, or as I like to call it, re-wilding, can be a game changer for your overall health, but especially for digestion, skin, immunity, and mood. Within the first weeks of re-wilding you’ll begin to experience improved digestion (from start to finish), a clearer and calmer mind, and your skin will begin to clear up and brighten, allergies will be put in check, and your immune system will strengthen. For a chronic situation you’ll want to be mindful to eat probiotic-rich foods throughout the day, or take a good probiotic, while also minimizing sugar and starch, so that you can move into a lifetime of balance and maintenance. If you’re super intrigued by the science on how a fermented vegetable or coconut yoghurt can make a huge impact on health and happiness, there is a ton of research being done on two major systems of the body: the GALT (gut-associated- lymphoid-tissue) and the gut-brain axis.

what is fat and why we need them?

We need adequate fats for brain function, hormone production, metabolism, energy, immune function, and taming inflammation. They’re also vital for the assimilation of fat- soluble vitamins D and E, the latter of which is an essential beauty vitamin, important for a healthy inflammation response and skin health. Whether or not a fat is good or bad is a question about whether or not it nourishes. Brain cells are comprised of fatty acids, and the fats that make up the brain come from the fats that are in your diet. Raw plant fats like avocado, coconut, nuts, seeds, olive oil, almond butter, and even green juice (yes, green juice contains fat!) are anti-inflammatory, energizing, brain powering, nervous-system supporting, and beautifying fats that are easily incorporated into a healthy plant-based diet. Despite our cultural training of & fat is fattening,” proper use of fat can actually help reduce fat levels in the body! Depending on my energy requirements for the day, my diet is typically between 40 and 60% fat.

what is an adaptogen & why we need them?

Adaptogens are herbs, mushrooms, and minerals that help our body better respond to stress. These potent allies work by reducing stress-hormone (cortisol) induced cellular damage— improving mood, boosting immunity, and reducing fatigue. I highly suggest making them a daily practice for profound benefit, which is easy and delicious when you set yourself up for it. I spike my food and drinks with adaptogens all day long, a teaspoon of ashwagandha in my tea, a teaspoon of cordyceps in my shake. The Moon Dust Latte program at our Melrose shop is based off this concept. You can get a Brain Dust Latte that includes rhodiola, a well known energizing adaptogen, or a Spirit Dust Latte, which includes calming and heart opening reishi mushroom. 

fav smoothie?

Sex dust, warm coconut milk, protein, and cordyceps

fav tea?

Tulsi rose

your best diy beauty recipe?

Honey and pearl powder on my face at night

facials. Y or N ?

It’s a mud mask in my bathroom once in a while. Odacite’s blue mud one.

what's your definition of style?

Natural instinct. 

lastly, hot wellness trends for 2017?

ADAPTOGENIC everything and endocrine rehabilitating.

That's a wrap from boss lady Amanda. BUT, the party isn't over just yet. Moon Juice was so cool enough to also have one of their team members say hi! 

introduce yourself 

Hi, I am Janie, I head up Business Development, Sales and Strategic partnerships for Moon Juice.

what's your favorite MJ product & why?

That’s a difficult question!  There are so many but my go to are the Moon Dusts. There are 6 Moon Dusts and they are a blend of superherbs that feed your beauty and wellbeing from the inside out.

Beauty, Power, Spirit and Dream are my daily doses, but I mix it up to include the Sex and Brain too!  It sounds like a lot but once you get into it, you find yourself dusting everything!

I love starting the day with beauty in lemon water.  Post work out, I have a Power + Spirit Dust Latte to replenish my body and mind. I am lucky enough to live dangerously close to one of the Moon Juice stores and grab one every morning. Each night I enjoy a dream dust which gives me a little nocturnal detox whilst I snooze.

share a MJ recipe

This is my go-to morning latte recipe, which is easy to make at home – you can also add any of our proteins to it too – the store makes it for me but when I travel, I add the Power and Spirit to any latte and forego the MCT.

2 Espresso shots

6 – 8 oz unsweetened nut milk

2 teaspoons of Moon Dust

1 teaspoon of Tocotrenols (this has changed my skin – its high in Vitamin E and adds a creaminess to anything)

I also add a little MCT or Coconut Oil too, it helps to assimilate the herbs into my body + the good fats feed my brain which always needs an extra boost.

what's MJ’s tips & tricks on living a healthy balanced life?

Everyone has their own thing but living in LA means we can be outside any time, which for me is crucial. I love if you get up high enough, you get these incredible views of the city with the contrast of the ocean and mountains. Grab friends and it turns into a healthy catch up.  My other new crush is swimming which is an incredible work out for the body and the mind.

Stalk Them:





be frugal guys: email subscribe & get 10% off your first order.

cali gals: stop by the shops!

Hi, it's me again. Well that was f-ing COOL. I dunno about you, but after reading this I'm ready to go balls to wall on my wellness game. 

I’m off & I’m actually going to go whip up a dust cocktail for myself.


xx, MM

photo credits: Moon Juice (thank u Aimee at Kerri Lee Ross PR!)

This post is in collaboration with Moon Juice. All texts and opinions are mine.

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